Tube stub gauges are intended to be used with various tube fitting applications. It enables installation in conditions where the available space in very limited. It is also used where Teflon free connection is required. Stainless steel, heavy-duty and liquid filled gauges are intended for laboratory use, where a standard NPT fitting cannot be employed. The tube stub fittings prevent leakage in the connection point. Place the Tube Stub Gauge in any orientation, even if the space is limited. There are also other mounting configurations and pressure ranges available. Tube stub gauges are used for specification intended to be used along with tube fitting applications. It can also be used where gauge alignment is crucial.
Uses of Industrial thermowell
An Industrial thermowell prevents the temperature sensor from the process conditions like flow induced forces, pressure and chemical effects. An appropriate temperature element protection begins with the selection of protection tube or thermowell. Conditions, which influence the selection, include pressure, temperature, insertion length, pipe size and the process medium and environment. An array of materials and the process connections are accessible for both protection tubes and thermowell. The thermowell should have sufficient stiffness, so that it natural frequency is higher than the wake frequency.

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