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Showing posts from October, 2016

About Pressure Gauge And Thermowell Instruments In Detail

Pressure gauges are one of the most significant instruments in every plant industry and we, Jun Ying instruments offering all types of pressure gauge, which can be mainly used to find the pressure. There are different types of pressure Gauges such as air pressure gauge, oil pressure gauges, differential pressure gauges, digital pressure gauges, diaphragm pressure gauges. Air pressure gauges – Our air pressure gauge can be used to measure the capacity of the air like it will make sure that the correct level of air was filled in the tire because the least amount of air will make the tire flatten and too much of air makes uneven.  Oil pressure gauges – Machine engine utilize oil to make the path to move freely. Differential pressure gauges – this type of gauge having two entrance ports each is connected with one of the pressure capacities monitored. Digital pressure gauge – which can be used in several industries, it will convert pressure applied to signals that can read i...

Protect Temperature By Thermowell And Measure The Pressure With Gauge

Jun Ying instruments,   OEM products supplier and industrial instrumentation manufacturer. We are providing major products such as pressure gauge and thermometer with their relevant accessories. Our main focus is to get the instrumental product with excellent quality   and with reasonable price and we have rich experience in manufacturing the product of   thermometer and pressure gauge. Our manufacture is exporting to worldwide market nearly 90% and we are expecting any requirements through this we are ready to satisfy your demand. We have earned the name as best manufacturer   because of our quality we are having many happy customers around the world.  We are thermowell manufacturer and this Thermowell can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel and carbon steel. Thermowell are used for all process where velocity, pressure and viscous, corrosive and abrasive materials are individually present or in combination. A perfect Thermowell selection w...